OracleDuration : 2 Months
Oracle Professional Training - Adminstration - OCP Oracle is world’s largest RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) which is the 1st RDBMS in the world which introduced the concept of Objects in RDBMS because of which it is also called as ORDBMS(Object Relational Database Management System).

With the help of Oracle, we can create various objects like Tables, Views, Indexes, Cluster, Sequence, Procedure, Function, Package, Triggers, Synonym which will help in storing data in Database and retrieving records on the basis of business logic. A very simple example of knowing how Oracle has made our lifes easier. E.g. ATM machines installed at various parts of World with the help of which we can do operations on our bank accounts 24*7. Not only we can withdraw money from ATMs, we can also do various operations like :
  • Deposit of Cash / Cheque
  • Mini Statement
  • Balance Enquiry
  • Pin Change
  • Cheque Book Request etc.
Course Contents:-


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