Java is a programming language designed specifically for use in the distributed environment of Internet. Java was designed to have the look and feel of the C ++, but it is easier to use than C ++ and applies a model of object-oriented programming. Java can be used to create complete applications that can run on a single computer or be distributed among servers and clients on a network. It can also be used to build a small application module or applet for use as part of a Web page. The applets allow a user to the Web page to interact with the page.
Active Learning's Java training program teaches you how to write Java applications that can run across multiple platforms seamlessly and reliably.
This Java training course provides extensive experience with the Java language and its object-oriented features. In this Java training course, you use Java to create text-based and GUI applications. Active Learning provides other Java training courses covering more advanced technologies. Recently updated to cover the Java 6 platform, this course will also benefit professionals who wish to take the Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) certification.
This course is conducted by former ‘Lio Technologies’ Java technology evangelist and is an expert in object-oriented technology. He has been conducting Java training courses since 1999, and has developed and managed numerous Java-related projects for both local and foreign companies.
Write, compile and execute a Java program using the Eclipse IDE Learn Object-Oriented Programming concepts such as inheritance and polymorphism create simple GUI applications with AWT and Swing using NetBeans IDE use Java's exception handling framework write efficient applications through multi-threading read and write files and access databases using JDBC.
Course Contents:-
- Introduction to Java
- OOPS concepts and their implementation in Java
- Packages and Interfaces
- Exception Handling
- String Handling
- Windows Programming with AWT & Swing
- Internet Programming using Applets
- Multithreading
- Stream based I/O in Java
- Networking
- Reflection
Prerequisite:- Basic knowledge of any programming language and
familiarity with the OOPS concepts is a prerequisite for
this course.

Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is a platform for building distributed, scalable,
platform independent server-side Enterprise Applications. Today Java is one of the
most mature and commonly used programming language for building enterprise softwares.
Java is providing enterprise solutions to small, medium and large enterprise throughout
the world and is a leading player in mobile applications. The need of Java professionals
is growing day by day, which is in itself, a testimony to its success.
Course Contents:-
- Collection Framework
- Generics
- Internationalization
- JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
- Server Programming using Servlets
- Java Server Pages (JSP)
- Remarks
- Stiffer 2.x
- Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
- Enterprise Java Beans 3.x (EJB)
- Java Persistence API (JPA)
- XML and Web Services
- Java Mail API
- Web Logic and Glassfish Application Server
- Eclipse Integrated Development Environment
Prerequisite:- Knowledge of Core Java is must for this course.

Struts2 is brand new implementaion of MVC provided by Apache Software Foundation for developing
Web Applications in Java. This framework integrates best design practices supported by the industry
and frameworks. The purpose of this course is to train the Trainees in the usage of framework for
developing scalable, Dynamic Web Applications.
Course Contents:-
- Introduction to Struts 2.x
- MVC and Struts 2 Architecture
- Actions, Results & Interceptors
- Object Graph Navigation Language (OGNL)
- Struts 2 Presentation Tags
- Role of ActionInvocation and ActionContext
- Manipulating data on ValueStack
- Creating Custom Interceptors and Results
- Validating Action Properties
- Generating Composite Views using Tiles
- Using Annotations to specify Configuration
Prerequisite:-Knowledge of Core Java as well as Servlet and JSP is must for this course.

EJB 3.x is the new incarnation of much dreaded EJB 2.x. In the new release,
EJB 3.x surpasses its expectations by simplifying developments of distributed
applications as well as by introducing standard for ORM frameworks in the form
of JPA. the purpose of this course is to train Trainees in the usage of Session
Beans, Message Driven Beans, JPA and Entity Beans.
Course Contents:-
- Introduction to EJB
- Implementation of Stateless and Stateful Session Beans
- Introduction to Java Naming & Directory Services (JNDI)
- Introduction to Java Messaging Services (JMS)
- JMS Configuration
- Developing JMS Clients
- Implementation of Message Driven Beans
- Introduction to the JPA
- The relationship between JPA and Hibernate
- Renewable Companies use Joint
- Implementation of Ice-A Mappings
- Implementation of the has-one Mappings
- Bidirectional Association Mappings
- Implementing Entity Beans
- Define Client Applications for Session and Entity Beans
Prerequisite:-Knowledge of Core Java, Servlets, JSP and RMI are must for this course.

Spring is a general purpose framework that can be used in parts or collectively.
Main concepts proposed by Spring are Inversion of Control (IOC) and Aspect Oriented
Programming (AOP). Apart from this, Spring provides Transaction Management support,
Implementation of MVC for developing web applications, Template implementations for
JDBC and ORM frameworks, facility to integrate enterprise services etc. The purpose
of this course is to train Trainee in IOC and AOP implementaion of Spring as well to
introduce them to Template and MVC implementation.
Course Contents:-
- Introduction to Spring
- Understanding Inversion of Control (IOC) and
Dependency Injection (DI)
- Spring Architecture
- Implementation IOC in Spring
- Understanding Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
- Implementing AOP in Spring
- Introducing the Template Design Pattern
- Simplifying Data Access using JDBC Template
- Abstract Data Access Layer using DAO
- Introduction to Spring MVC
Prerequisite:- Knowledge of Core Java and J2EE is must for this course.

Hibernate is widely used ORM framework. Basic functionality of an ORM framework is to persist objects of an application into database i.e. ORM frameworks free application developers from persistence logic so that they can concentrate on implementing the business logic. The purpose of this course is to provide the depth knowlege of Hibernate to the Trainees.
Course Contents:-
- Introduction to ORM and Hibernate
- Hibernate Architecture
- Hibernate Configuration
- Introduction to Session and SessionFactory
- Persisting Objects using Hibernate
- Inheritance Mapping
- Bidirectional Association Mapping
- Hibernate Query Language
- Caching Introduction
- Implementing Second Level Caching using EHCACHE
- Integrating Spring & Hibernate
- Integrating Struts & Hibernate
- Integrating JPA & Hibernate
Prerequisite:- Trainees must be familiar with JDBC and application development models used in industry.